Saturday, March 23, 2019

Tesis Islamic Architecture and the Mamluk Design


Tesis "The aesthetics of Islamic architecture and the exuberance of Mamluk design" oleh Tarek Amin El-Akkad, Barcelona, pada 2013.


Sekitar Tasik Dal

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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Tourist Destination - Melaka & Sarawak


Pos Malaysia mengeluar setem dengan tema Destinasi Pelancungan - Melaka dan Sarawak.


 Tourist Destination - Melaka

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Buku Najaf The Gate of Wisdom


Pencarian mengenai Nasiriyya juga menemui satu buku mengenai Najaf Iraq. Buku "Najaf the gate of wisdom". Buku mengupas tentang Najaf: history, heritage and significance of the holy city of the Shi'a. Buku terbitan Unesco Publishing tahun 2014.

Source: unesco - link.

Folder: DT50 - Nasiriyya Abbasid.

Menu teh dan scone Cameron Highland

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