Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Turki Muda Dan Freemason

Pendokong kumpulan Turki Muda (Young Turks) turut pengaruh dengan gerakan Freemason Menjelang 1908 rrmai tokoh Turki Muda yang menghebah penyertaan mereka dalam Freemason Antara mereka adalah Ahmed Rıza Bey, Mehmet Talat, Nazim Bey, Djemal Bey, Midhat Shukru, Huseyin Hilmi Pasha, and many others. 

None of them tried to hide his ties with the masonic creed. One of the consequences of the Young Turk revolution was that, from the summer of 1908 onward, there was an unprecented rush to join the lodges. The “Macedonia Risorta” was the principal beneficiary of this sudden enthusiasm of the Ottoman elites for freemasonry.

Berikutnya pada 1909 satu lagi gelombang Freemason tercetus di kalangan Turki Muda Mereka yang terlibat antaranya adalah Musa Kazim Efendi, Mehmet Cait Bey dan Riza Tevfik.

Thus, the “Constitution”, a Spanish lodge which had managed to recruit key figures such as
the sheikh-ul-islam Musa kâzim Efendi, the minister of Finance Mehmet Cavit Bey and the
philosopher Riza Tevfik, was won over to the Ottoman
Grand Orient in December 1909.

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Tokoh Turki Ottoman Sertai Freemason


Gerakan Freemason era Ottoman turut mendapat penyertaan golonag elit Muslim Turki. Antara nama tokoh yang menyertai Freemason adalah Mustapha Fazil, Prince Murad dan penulis Namik Kemal. Mereka menyertai Freemason di bawah naungan lodge kendalian Greek. Yang lainnya adalah the grand vizier Mustafa Reshid Pasha yang menyertai Freemason atas pelawaan Lord Rading. Mustafa Reshid Pasha juga merupakan penggerak utama usaha reform Ottoman Turki.

The Greek lodge “I Proodos” (Progress) owed to one of its members, the banker Cleanthi Scalieri, the recruitment of nearly twenty important names of the Ottoman elite, the most renowned of them being Mustafa Fazil, a member of the Egyptian khedivial family, the Imperial Prince Murad, and the prolific writer Namik Kemal

Antara yang keras menentang Freemason pula adalah Ethem Pertev Pasha (1824-1871), yang pernah memegang jawatan who served Governor of Kastamonu. Antara lain gerakan pimpinan Ethem Pasha menegas bahawa 'It insistingly maintains that Islam and freemasonry are incompatible and that the sole target of freemasons is to convert Moslems to Christianity '.

Tokoh Eropah merupakan pelopor berpengaruh yang mengembang Freemason ke wilayah Ottoman Turki. Dua tokh penting adalah Lord Rading dan Lord Henry Bulwer, kedua-dua merka adalah dip;omat British.

Lord Rading and Lord Henry Bulwer, both of them British ambassadors to the Sublime Porte, are considered to be at the origin of the masonic trend in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish anti-masonic circles still present them as the main responsible for Ottoman decay.

Baca juga "The 4th Earl of Carnarvon (1831-1890) and freemasonry in the British Empire. tesis sheffield uni 2010 (link).

Phnom Penh

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Gerakan Awal Freemason Era Ottoman Turki

Pergerakan freemason period Ottoman dikata bermula pada awal abad ke-18. Aktiviti freemason bergerak secara lebih giat apabila proses reform diperkenal oleh pemerintah Ottoman pada 1839. Pemerintah Ottoman yang menyemarak Freemason adalah Sultan Abdulmadjid (r.1839-61), Abdulaziz (r.1861-1876) dan Abdulhamid (r.1876-1909). Pada period pemerintahan ketiga-tiga Ottoman tersebut banyak rumah freemason (lodges) dibina oleh warga Eropah di merata pelosok Istanbul.

Artikel juga menyebut faktor yang mendorong gerakan freemason di Turki pada era reform tersebut

This remarkable phenomenon is related to the new trend of receptiveness to western influence: receptiveness to economic penetration and political influence, receptiveness to ideas prevailing in Europe, and also receptiveness to individuals coming from the West. For sure, had there not been the thousands of European adventurers who flocked to the Ottoman eldorado from the 1850ies onwards, Ottoman freemasonry would have developed on a much lower scale. Another factor that explains the blooming of freemasonry is the wide range of guarantees granted to Ottoman subjects as well as to foreigners in the wake of the imperial edict of 1856. From then on, Ottomans and in particular
non-moslem subjects” of the sultan, felt themselves much less dominated by an arbitrary power and could make plans such as the creation of philanthropic associations without fear of legal proceedings and punishment. 

Up to a point, Ottoman freemasonry of the 1850ies and 1860ies can also be considered as a by-product of the Crimean war. Indeed, British and French soldiers that came to fight in the East seem to have largely contributed to thebintroduction of masonic lodges in this part of the world.  

Baca "freemasonry in Turkey: a by-product of western penetration" [folder atq 2021 mei freemasonry]


Phnom Penh

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Akademia Islamic Studies - Clinton Bennet

Beliau banyak menulis artikel dan buku tentang pengajian Islam. Antaranya adalah mengenai Hammam ibn Munabbih dalam The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies. Bennet memperolehi phd in islamic studies dari Birmingham Uni pada 1990. Fokus kajian beliau adalah tentang modern Muslim thinkers and movements. Beliau kini mengajar di State Uni of New York at New Paltz.

Petikan academia (link):

Clinton Bennett was awarded the PhD in Islamic Studies by Birmingham University in 1990. He also holds the M.Ed. from Oxford and his undergraduate degree in Theology from Manchester University. A Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society (FRAS) and of the Royal Anthropological Institute (FRAI) he uses ethnography in his research. Interested in post-colonial literature, debates about "multi-culturalism"/identity in the modern, pluralist world he uses film and literature (especially colonial and post-colonial) in his teaching. A specialist in the study of Islam with a focus on modern Muslim thinkers and movements he is also concerned with how sensitive but critical issues in Religious Studies can be explored without offending religious insiders. An ordained Baptist minister, he has worked as a missionary in Bangladesh, as co-pastor of a multi-racial inner city congregation, on the staff of the British Council of Churches and as a College and University chaplain and teacher. Dr Bennett is currently a member and recognized minister of the Alliance of Baptists. He has written ten books. He has combined academic study of Islam with participation in interfaith dialogue, serving on several World Council of Churches committees. He has advised local mosques, chaired a school governing body and represented an NGO at the UN. He currently teaches at the State University of New York at New Paltz and at Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Originally from England, Dr Bennett became a US citizen during 2012.

Tongue Twister

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Monday, December 12, 2022

Hammam ibn Munabbih

Sebuah buku mengenai hadis tulisan Muhammad Hamidullah memuat hadis yang dibukukan oleh Hammam ibn Munabbih. Manuskrip asal kumpulan hadis tersebut dinamakan Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih. Siapakah Hammam ibn Munabbih?

Hammam ibn Munabbih adalah saudara kepada Wahb ibn Munabbih. Beliau berguru dengan Abu Hurairah (d.677/678M) dan dikata meninggal dunia pada 719/720M dan ada yang kata pada 749/750M.

Baca hammam ibn munabbih di wiki (link).

Artikel tentang Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih juga terdapat di quranmessage (link).

Tounge Twister by kfc

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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Demonstrasi Pekerja Estet Asahan 1967

Pada 197 berlaku satu demonstrasi pekerja Estet Ashan Mereka bertelingkah dengan majikan  estet iaitu Guthrie Demonstrasi dikepalai oleh tiga ketua Ibrahim Jantan, Goh Ah Kaw dan Esaiah. Umum diketahui pekerja estet mendapat layanan buruk dan penindasan oleh majikan. Salah satu faktor pencetus lain adalah isu NUPW yang memihak kepada majikan ketika di bawah kendalian PP Narayanan. Maka para pekerja mengambil keputusan meninggalkan NUPW dan menyertai kesatuan baru UMEWU.

Baca sejarah mogok asahan. lela rentaka (link).

Perjuagan mogok pekerja estet ashan mtuc 2020 (link)

Menu jalanan Seoul

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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sejarah Skim Rumah Pekerja Estet


Rancangan membina rumah untuk pekerja estet dilancar sekitar 1970an tepatnya pada 1973 Walau pun banyak yang tidak terlaksana namun ada dua contoh projek yang berjaya Satunya di Estet Thennamaram, Selangor, dan satu lagi di Estet Batu Pekaka, Kedah.  Projek di Thennamaram estet siap pada 1974 manaka yang di Batu Pekaka siap pada 1977. Rumah dijual kepada pekerja estet setempat pada harga Rm11,000. Namun kadar pinjaman maksima hanya setakat Rm7,500 menjadikan sukar pekerja untuk membeli rumah berkenaan.

Penjual jalanan Seoul

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Flat Taman Permata Dengkil Mengganti Putrajaya

Putrajaya dibangunkan sebagai sebuah pusat pentadbiran baru negara Ia dinagunkan di lokasi yang asalnya adalah ladang besar Satu kesan besar pembangunan tersebut adalah kehilangan kerja para pekerja ladang. Mereka bukan setakat hilang kerja malah hilang tempat tinggal. pada awalnya mereka dijanjikan sebuah rumah teres bagi tiap sebuah keluarga Namun apa yang merka dapat hanyalah sebuah unit kediaman flat di Taman Permata Dengkil.

Flat Taman Permata Dengkil

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