Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pertevniyal Lisesi Fateh - Pertevniyal High School

Catatan perjalanan 030624.

Bersebelahan Instanbul Uni Teology Faculty ada sebuah sekolah, Pertevniyal Lisesi. Nama englishnya Pertevniyal High School. Pertevniyal hidup pada 1812-1883, ibu kepada Sultan Abdulaziz (r.1861-1876). Pertevniyal adalah isteri kepada Sultan Mahmud II (r.1808-1839). [Lokasi: Fatih-Gurabahuseyinaga].

Baca PHS - wiki (link).

Pertevniyal High School of Istanbul was founded in 1872 by Pertevniyal Sultan, the mother of Sultan Abdulaziz. It cost 3520 gold coins to build the school. The school was forced to relocate after the fire of 1911, which destroyed much of downtown Istanbul. A new building was not constructed until 1968.

Pertevniyal - wiki (link). Ottoman Abdulaziz (link),

Pertevniyal High School, Istanbul

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