Saturday, December 14, 2024

Foto Earthrise Oleh Apollo 8

Dalam suasana hujung tahun ni elok juga cari beberapa peristiwa bersejarah yang berlaku dalam bulan Disember. Kebetulan pula dapat kutip banyak info melalui pembacaan buku tentang misi angkasa lepas Apollo. Salah satu sejarah nya adalah rakaman foto imej bumi berwarna kali pertama oleh astronaut NASA.
Foto ini diberi nama Earthrise. Dirakam oleh angkasawan nama Bill Anders. Beliau membawa bersama kamera khas foto warna. Kamera yg dibawa bersama oleh misi Apollo 8. Mereka ditugas untuk melaku peninjauan lokasi yg dipilih untuk pendaratan di Bulan. Lokasi yg dikenal pasti untuk neil amstrong menjejak kaki di Bulan dalam misi mendatang iaitu misi Apollo 11.
Foto Earthrise ini dirakam pada 24 Disember 1968. Bermakna team angkasawan Apollo 8 melakukan misi mereka dan berada di angkasa lepas ketika musim cuti Xmas. Foto Earthrise ni juga dirakam ketika ramai kita di Malaysia sedang cuti sekolah penggal akhir 56 tahun yang lepas.
Petikan - Apollo 8 generated one of the most famous photos in history - 'Earthrise,' which shows our planet rising up from the Moon's horizon. It was captured as the crew orbited the lunar surface.

Foto Earthrise rakaman oleh krew Apollo 8

Kejayaan misi Apollo 8 memboleh mereka dipilih sebagai Man of the Year edişi 1968

Krew Apollo 8 - Men of the Year 1968

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Lima Buku Belian BBW Sale

Lima buku belian BBW Sale.

Harga RM17

Lima judul

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Empat Buku BBW Sale

Empat buku belian BBW year-end sale.

Harga RM14

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Saturday, December 7, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Siapa Imam Al-Dahhak (d.723M)

Siapa Imam Ad-Dahhaq?

Al-Dahhak ibn Muzahim (d.105/723M). Ada juga yang sebut nama sebagai al-Dahhak bin Muzahim al-Hilali. Wafat pada 102H/721M - ensiklopedia ulama jakim (link). Beliau merupakan Imam tabi'in/atba' tabi'in wilayah Khurasan. Al-Dahhak telah menghasilkan Tafsir al-Dahhak yang merupakan salah sebuah tafsir terawal.


Ada juga tokoh nama Al-Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri (d.684M). Beliau merupakan general tentera era Umayyad, berpusat di Damascus. Baca wiki - link.

Ada artikel lain di laman berikut - link.

Tafsir al-Dahhak

sumber islam786 - link

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Budaya Teh Di Azerbaijan

Sedikit lagi mengenai budaya teh di Azerbaijan.


In Azerbaijan, it’s the taste of tea that decides if a man will get to marry the woman he desires. When a man’s parents visit the girl’s home to seek her hand in marriage, the latter’s parents shower their blessings by serving glasses of sweet tea known as ‘shirin chay’. This means that the wedding preparations can begin. However, if the tea is served without sugar, the answer is no.

Known as the ‘Land Of Fire’, Azerbaijan is a little-explored nation that lies in the Caucasus mountains, sharing its borders with Russia, Georgia, the Caspian Sea and others. Its exoticism lies in its ‘East-meets-West’ culture; historical and cultural heritage with mausoleums, castles and over 7,500 other monuments; and its tea drinking traditions.

Baca Discovering the chai culture of Azerbaijan. gurgl 2020 - link.

Sebuah monumen teko hidangan teh, Lankaran, Azerbaijan

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Monday, November 11, 2024

Teh Azerbaijan

Pagi ini minum pagi dengan teh Azerbaijan jenama Azercay. Teh hadiah dari seorang rakan  yang baru ini melawat Azerbaijan. Sedap teh jenama Azercay ini (Azerbaijan Chai). Orang Azerbaijan lebih gemar menyebut teh sebagai chai. Selepas itu amik masa sedikit cari info mengenai bisnes dan budaya teh Azerbaijan.

Teh Azerbaijan merupakan produk ladang teh yang banyak terdapat di wilayah Lankaran, Azerbaijan. Budaya minum teh merupakan satu keistimewaan Azerbaijan. Kedai atau kafe teh mereka nama Chaykhana. Teh dihidang dengan cawan atau bekas khas nama Armudu.

Chaykhana is derived from the Chinese word "tea" (chay) and Persian "Khane"(khane) a house or a room. During some centuries, Chaykhana has existed in Azerbaijan, Iran and Central Asia. In Azerbaijan, people drink tea in special glass which is called "Armudu" i.e. pear-shaped.

Lankaran terletak di selatan Azerbaijan betul-betul di tepi Caspian Sea. Caspian Sea bukanlah laut, sebenarnya ia cuma sebuah tasik. Kerana tasik Caspian besar sangat maka panggil nama Caspian Sea. Caspian Sea sangat bermakna kerana dengan adanya tasik tersebut negara Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan dapat punyai kawasan tadahan air. Tanpa Caspian Sea negara-negara tersebut jadi land locked countries sebagaimana Tajikistan, Armenia, Poland, dan lainnya.

Teh dihidang dalam gelas armudu

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Friday, November 8, 2024

The Qur'an A User Guide - Farid Esack

Buku oleh Farid Esack. Boleh muat turun dari sumber berikut - link. Ada bukunya di geobelian - link.

Apa yang diperkata tentang Farid Esack?

Petikan (link) - m/s 11/12:

Farid Esack is a South African Muslim scholar. He was born in the Cape Town suburb of Wynberg in 1959. In 1990, Esack left South Africa for a doctorate in Qur’anic interpretation, spending five years in Britain and Germany, conducting doctoral and post-doctoral research. Farid Esack completed a doctoral degree in Qur'anic Hermeneutics at University of Birmingham (UK) in 1996, with his thesis, Side-by-side with the other: towards a Qur'anic hermeneutic of religious pluralism for liberation.

In his thesis, Esack examines the question of religious pluralism and liberation in the Qur'an as it emerged in South Africa during the 1980's through Muslim participation in the struggle against apartheid. He is strongly influenced by Christian liberation theology. In 1994-95 he was a Research Fellow in Biblical Hermeneutics at the Philosophische Theologische Hochschule, Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt. In 1984-89 he was the National Coordinator of Call of Islam As a person committed to interreligious solidarity for justice and peace and the struggle against apartheid, he played a leading role in the United Democratic Front, The Call of Islam, the Organisation of People Against Sexism, the Cape Against Racism and the World Conference on Religion & Peace.

Hstay Jeju

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Bacaan Mengenai Muqatil ibn Sulayman

Bila memula baca tentang bio imam Muqatil jumpa banyak lagi bahan bacaan mengenai beliau. Ramai yang sudah mengkaji dan menulis tentang Muqatil.

Muqatil bin Sulayman and anthropomorphism. munim sirry 2012 - link.

Seeking the face of God. Ada sama huraian tentang tafsir Muqatil. chp dalam buku reynold - link.

Early Muslim accusations of tahrif: Muqatil ibn Sulayman's commentary on key Qur'anic verses. researchgate - link.

Baca sama tesis berikut;

Qur'anic narrative and Israliyyat in Western scholarship and in classical exegesis. leeds uni 2000 - link. sv prof neal robinson.

Gendering the classical tradition of Quran exegesis: Literary representations and textual authority in medieval Islam. university of toronto 2008 - link. sv sebestian gunther.

Quranic commentary and tradition. studies in arabic literary papyri. nadia abott - link

Buku a brief introduction to Qur'anic Exegesis. buku iiit oleh ali suleyman ali 2017 - link.

Western Impact on Contemporary Qur’anic Studies: The Application of Literary Criticism. (link).


Kedai jualan produk oren Jeju

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Sunday, November 3, 2024

AI dan Perbicangannya Di Kalangan Warga Muslim

Teknologi AI kini menjadi sebutan ramai. Pemakaiannya pula boleh kata mencakupi seluruh bidang kehidupan. Sebut apa sahaja pekerjaan dan perkhidmatan pasti akan ada AI dibangun untuk membantu memudah kerja.

Bagaimana sumbangan dan impak AI kepada teologi? Ini satu topik yang turut mendapat perhatian ramai. Bagi persekitaran Muslim dan Islam memang sudah banyak artikel dan kertas kerja membincangnya. 

Berikut beberapa bacaan yang sempat dicari:

1. Islam and AI: Ethical considerations and the potential impact on Islamic societies. islamic studies journal 2024 - link. Antara rumusannya:

- This research also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between stakeholders in education, including educational institutions, ulama, government and society. With strong synergy, existing challenges can be overcome, and opportunities can be exploited optimally.

2. Professor Gary Bunt visits Indonesia to deliver key lectures on AI and Islam. wales university 2024 - link. Beliau menyampaikan kuliah bertajuk From Syeikh Google to Imam AI.

3. While embracing its benefits Muslim must be wary of artificial intelligence. al arabia news - link. Satu petikan artikel ini adalah:

Artificial intelligence (AI) brings many promising opportunities for Muslims, but it also contains unprecedented threats to the religion, by potentially undermining the sanctity of the Quran. Muslims must work proactively to ensure that they derive the benefits of AI, while protecting themselves from its dangers.

Kelebihan AI yang amat membantu adalah;

An AI bot can easily surpass a traditional scholar’s abilities by translating seamlessly into any language - including sign language - and by instantly explaining things in a different way as many times as is necessary for the inquiring Muslim to understand the answer to their question, while providing full references in case of a desire for further reading. This is just one of many possible applications, and we are probably yet to conceive of some of the best ones.

4. How should we use AI? The Islamic world may have an answer. leiden uni news 2023 - link.


Various PhD students are going to spend six months there. One is hoping to work at the Office of the Mufti in Singapore and to research questions such as: What motivates the staff there? How do they use big data in their everyday work? What ethical problems do they face? How, ideally, could it be used? Another will go on “data walks” with people in Singapore.

‘Other members of the project team are working on a sensitive microphone that picks up AI frequencies. They will then ask participants questions like: Did you know that AI technology is being used here? How does that feel? Can you tell us a bit about that? In short, we are going to ask, in all sorts of different ways: What does AI mean to you?’

5. Harmonizing Artificial Intelligence with Islamic Values: A Thoughtful Analysis of Religious, Social, and Economic Impacts of Technological Advancements. american journal of smart technology and solutions ajsts 2023 - 

Kunjungan Tempat Pertunjukan Menyelam

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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Siapa Imam Mujahid (d.722M) dan Ibn Mujahid (d.936M)

Cabaran bila baca kitab atau apa saja buku agama berbahasa melayu termasuklah tafsir, kita selalu jumpa nama imam atau tokoh silam. Tapi tiada clue disertakan tentang siapa mereka. Contoh bila baca sebuah tafsir maka jumpa nama Mujahid. Siapa Mujahid ni? Ulama qirati ke, mufasirin ke, ulama hadis ke?. 

Baca lagi jumpa pulak kat bab lain atau ayat lain nama Ibn Mujahid. Bunyi nama macam sama. Mereka orang yang sama ke? Jawapannya bukan orang yang sama. Memang ada Imam Mujahid dan memang juga ada Imam Ibn Mujahid.

Jadi persoalan pulak siapa Imam Mujahid. Siapa Imam Ibn Mujahid?

Petikan wiki tentang Imam Mujahid (link):

The full name of Mujahid is Abu'l-Hajjaj Mujahid ibn Jabir al-Qari (642–722 CE) was a Tabi' and one of the major early Islamic scholars. His tafsir of the Qur'an (exegesis or commentary) is believed to be the earliest existing written exegetical source, although only fragments of it have reached us from the Umayyad era.

Mujahid bin Jabir hidup antara 21-104H atau 642-722M, adalah seorang ulama besar yang termasuk golongan tabi'in. Ia adalah seorang imam, ahli feqah, serta banyak meriwayatkan hadis dengan derajat periwayatan yang dianggap sangat terpercaya (tsiqah). Imam Mujahid menjadi rujukan dalam hal membaca (qira'at) dan memahami tafsir Al-Qur'an dan hadits.

Petikan wiki tentang Imam Ibn Mujahid (link):

The full name of Ibn Mujahid is Abū Bakr Aḥmad ibn Mūsā ibn al-ʿAbbās Ibn Mujāhid al-ʿAṭashī, 859/860 – 936, was an Islamic scholar most notable for establishing and delineating the seven canonical Quranic readings (qira'at) in his work Kitāb al-sabʿa fī l-qirāʾāt. He was also notable for delivering the charge of heretical Quranic exegesis that reopened the trial of Mansur al-Hallaj, which ultimately led to his execution on the orders of the Abbasid caliph al-Muqtadir.

Baca biografi imam mujahid. jaringan santri (link).

Tea Farm, Jeju Island
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Kitab Al-Sab’ah fi-al-qiraat

Kitab oleh Ibn Mujahid

[source - link]
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Tafsir Mujahid bin Jabir
[source - link]
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Monday, October 28, 2024

Siapa Imam Muqatil (d.767M)

Sesekali akan kita jumpa nama Imam Muqatil (d.767) disebut dalam huraian sesetengah kitab tafsir.

Siapa Imam Muqatil?

Petikan dari mufti wilayah persekutuan - link:

Nama beliau ialah Abu al-Hasan Muqatil bin Sulaiman al-Balkhiy dan beliau merupakan salah seorang ahli tafsir yang hebat. Di samping itu, beliau merupakan perawi hadith munkar yang masyhur. Beliau meriwayatkan daripada al-Dhahhak, Mujahid, al-Zuhri dan Ibn Buraidah.

Menurut Mufti WP juga:

Muqatil bin Sulaiman merupakan salah seorang daripada tokoh yang mempunyai jasanya tersendiri. Tambahan pula, Muqatil bin Sulaiman merupakan salah seorang yang tidak diterima riwayatnya di dalam hadith sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Akhirnya, semoga Allah SWT memberi kita kefahaman dan kekuatan dalam mencontohi sifat atau akhlak yang mulia daripada tokoh-tokoh Islam terdahulu. Amin.

Petikan wiki - link:

Abū-l Ḥassan Muqātil ibn Sulaymān Al-Balkhī (d.767 CE) was an 8th-century Muslim scholar of the Quran, controversial for his anthropomorphism. He wrote one of the earliest, if not first, commentaries of the Qur'an which is still available today.

Apa makna anthropomorphism? Jawapan: the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object.

Anthropomorphism in Islam is the belief that God has human-like traits, emotions, or intentions. It is also known as tashbih in Arabic. 


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Friday, October 25, 2024

Siapa Imam Yang Disebut Hujung Surah al-Qalam

Ada beberapa lagi nama Imam disebut dalam tafsiran ayat-ayat penghujung Surah al-Qalam. Khususnya boleh lihat huraian tafsiran ayat 44-52 Surah al-Qalam. Nama imam/tokoh tafsir mereka adalah Ibnu Qutaibah, al-Harawi [page84].

Disamping itu dicerita juga mengenai Bani Asad yang terkenal dengan ilmu 'ain. Iaitu satu bentuk ancaman panahan pandangan mata tajam. Nama lain yang turut disebut adalah Abu Ya'la al-Mausuli, Abu Bakar al-Bazzar [page 85]. Siapakah mereka?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tafsir Surah al-Qalam Ayat 16 (Siapa Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah)

Perbincangan dalam tafsir surah al-qalam ayat 16 "... Kami letakkan tanda kehinaan di atas batang hidungnya". Huraian tafsir menyebut bahawa ayat 16 asbabun nuzulnya di tuju kepada Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah.

Orang berkenaan berperang dalam Badar, kemudian.nya hidungnya dicantas dengan pedang ketika bertempur.

Insadong, Seoul

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tafsir Ayat Lima Surah Al-Mulk

Ayat lima surah al-Mulk;

وَلَقَدْ زَيَّنَّا ٱلسَّمَآءَ ٱلدُّنْيَا بِمَصَـٰبِيحَ وَجَعَلْنَـٰهَا رُجُومًۭا لِّلشَّيَـٰطِينِ ۖ وَأَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابَ ٱلسَّعِيرِ

Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah menghiasi langit yang dekat (pada penglihatan penduduk bumi) dengan bintang-bintang, dan Kami jadikan bintang-bintang itu punca rejaman terhadap Syaitan-syaitan; dan Kami sediakan bagi mereka azab neraka yang menjulang-julang.

Baca bintang penembak syaitan. ilmu sunah dot com (link).

Meteor sebagai alat rejaman syaitan. pejabat mufti wp (link).

Vegan Restaurant

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Bacaan Kapitalis Bousted Malaysia

Kenapa cari bacaan tentang Boustead. Kerana dikata pengasas Boustead di Spore pernah menyebut bahawa Malaya belum layak merdeka. Malah tak ada rakyat kita yang mampu memimpin bila telah merdeka. [dari sumber mana hal ini dipetik kena lah cari semula].

Ada beberapa bacaan hal tentang Boustead boleh ditemui.

edward boustead - wiki (link).

Malaysianisation and the Barlow Boustead Estates Agency. artikel oleh akademia cambridge, 38 m/surat - link.

Rochefoucauld s Boustead, 1927. ucl 45 m/surat - link.

Buku British business in post-colonial Malaysia, 1957-1970. written by nicholas j wide - link. Bab 5 buku memuat topik berikut;

Oil palms and factories: diversifying the post-colonial economy; British prominence, British dominance?; Palm oil; Industrialising Malaysia; Conclusion.

Insadong, Seoul

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Monday, October 7, 2024

Saintis Muslim Nasa

Ada juga saintis Muslim yang bekerja dengan Nasa. Antara mereka adalah;

Waleed Abdalati (wiki - link) nasa - link. [phd colorado uni 1996]. 

Waleed Abdalati held the position of NASA Chief Scientist from 3 January 2011 through December 2012. Abdalati was named to this position on 13 December 2010 by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. Abdalati previously served NASA as Head of Cryospheric Sciences at Goddard Space Flight Center between January 2004 and June 2008.

Tahani Amer berasal Egypt. Graduan phd old dominion uni in norfolk virgina (link).

Algerian-born astrophysicist and NASA scientist Nidhal Guessoum. science for the church - link. [now professor at American University of Sharjah - wiki link].

Dr Hashima Hassan. Indian American Muslim is key NASA scientist behind James Webb Telescope - american muslim today 2022 (link).

Being muslim scientist in Nasa - link.

Baca Quran and science perspectives of a NASA scientist. prof dr nazeer ahmed - link.

Baca juga muslim scientist (nasa - link).

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

How Much Naismith Earned From Basketball

Membaca mengenai Naismith pencipta basketball. Hebat pencapaian akademik beliau. Punya empat ijazah kedoktoran. sebetulnya empat ijazah dari kolej/universiti.

the Canadian-born Naismith earned four doctorate degrees before age 35. His studies included theology, philosophy and Hebrew.

James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, earned $1,300 per year as a basketball coach, which is equivalent to about $43,000 in today's dollars.

Naismith never earned money or fame for his unique invention during his lifetime. However, after his death in 1939 his many accomplishments and his historic invention of Basketball were widely and enormously acclaimed. Naismith's name adorns the world's only Basketball Hall of Fame. [source history bits - link].

Baca the father of basketball - link. dan (four college degrees) - link.

Royal Mile, Edin

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

AI dan Dakwah Lutherian Barat dan Khidmat Doa Jepun

Pemakaian teknologi AI meliputi pelbagai bidang termasuk agama. Bila sebut agama kita luaskan kepada berbagai agama yang ada.

AI dengan nama BlessU-2 telah diguna pakai di Jerman bagi tujuan menyampai dakwah di kalangan Lutherian warga Barat.

Baca BlessU-2 delivers blessing in five languages. the guardian - link.

Baca robot funerals priest launched softbank humanoid live streaming. the guardian - link.


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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bagaimana Mula Bisnes Kasut Converse?

Bagaimana mula bisnes kasut Converse?


Legend would be that it all started with a fall down the stairs. The injured man, a certain Marquis Mills Converse (1861-1931), had the idea of creating the first shoes with rubber soles so that this would never happen again. As a result, in 1908, he founded the Converse Rubber Shoe Company, which at that time only sold stuffed boots with the famous sole, and this is the beginning of Convers's history.

In 1910, the production of shoes began to increase in volume. But it was not until 1915 that Marquis Mills launched its range of products for the sports world. At the time, shoes were not considered as a stylish accessory, so production was still shy. Indeed, at that time, canvas shoes only found their place in top-level sport because of their resistant sole and their lightness.

Converse, story of an icon. graduate store fr - link.

Vegan Menu Seoul

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Kapitalis Kasut Sukan Basketball Converse

Setelah permainan basketball mula diperkenal satu perkara yang menjadi perhatian adalah perlunya kasut khusus untuk keselesaan pemain. Mereka mahukan kasut yang dapat mencengkam lantai. Kasut yang dapat mengelak dari risiko terjatuh kerana licin.

Maka berlumbalah syarikat kasut sukan mencipta kasut untuk pemain basketball. Pertama memperkenal kasut basketball di pasaran adalah Syarikat Converse. Converse adalah syarikat syarikat yang diasas oleh Mr Marquis Mills Converse (1831-1931) pada 1908. Kebetulan syarikat Converse mula ditubuh di Massachussetts. Tempat yang sama di mana basketball mula diperkenal. Kasut sukan basketball pertama dikeluar oleh syarikat Converse adalah model "All-Stars" pada 1917. Pada 1918 Syarikat Coneverse berjaya memasarkan dua puluh ribu pasang kasut All Stars untuk jualan.


The Converse “All-Stars” were the first basketball shoes ever made.  Converse production began in 1917, the shoes weren’t popular until Indiana University basketball star Chuck Taylor began wearing them.  In 1921, he met with the company and modified the shoes into a style still used today.  The “All-Stars” are the most popular basketball shoes of all time, selling over 750 million pairs.

Sebagai info pasaran kasut sukan basketball memang suatu yang sangat besar. Petikan berikut menyebut pasaran tersebut cecah hingga USD3.4 bilion pada 2023 dan jangka cecah USD4.5 bilion menjelang 2031.

Global Basketball Shoe Market size was valued at USD 3.41 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 4.54 billion by 2031.

A brief history of the converse chuck taylor all star sneaker - link.

A walkthrough converse history. conversnation wpress - link.

Kasut basketball Converse Chuck Taylor tahun 1917

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Basikal sewa Seoul

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