Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hungary - World Science Forum

Hungary Post has issued a special stamp to commemorate the event World Science Forum. The stamp was issued on November 5, 2009.

World Science Forum (size 275)

The 4th WSF was held in Budapet on November 5 -7. Visit sciforum for more info.
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Friday, December 11, 2009

Senegal - Louis Braille Bicentenary

Senegal - Braille Bicentenary

Senegal has join many other countries in issuing a commemorative stamp to mark the 200th anniversary (bicentenary) of birth of Louis Braille. Two stamps was launched on May 20, 2009.

Louis Braille Bicentenary

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Afghanistan - Abu Abdullah Rodaki

There were very limited number of stamps issued by Afghanistan. This is evidenced from the record shown at wnsstamps. The newest Afghanistan stamp available is a special stamp to honor the 1150th anniversary of Ostad Abu Abdullah Rodaki. The stamp was issued on January 21, 2009. It was issued more than a year after the last previous stamps which was issued on December 22, 2007. It seemed none stamp issued stamp was available in the Year 2008.

Afghanistan - Ostad Abu Abdullah Rodaki

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Indonesia - Cut Nyat Dhien

Cut Nyak Dhien

Indonesia has issued two stamps to honor Cut Nyak Dhien. The stamp was issued on Decembe 2008. Who is Cut Nyak Dhien?

Cut Nyak

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

India - SAIL 50 Years

India Post has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the Sail 50 Years anniversary. The stamp was issue on January 31st, 2009. SAIL is the acronym of Steel Authority of India Limited (read the report from the Hindu newspaper).

50 Years Sail

India also has one more 50 Years anniversary of its corporation - Indian Oil. The commerative stamp to mark the occasion can be seen here - click link.
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Abstract Guernsey

Ranked number nine in the top 10 extraordinary stamps in the Year 2008 is stamp from Guernsey -Abstract Guernsey.

Abstract Guernsey stamp series

In June 2008, Guernsey Post issued ten self-stick stamps portraying breathtaking coastal scenes of Guernsey. The images featured on the stamps are all fabulous pieces of art in their own right, so striking that it is tempting to think they have been digitally enhanced. However, they are simply the result of great skill, diligent research, superb subjects and just a tiny bit of luck in terms of Mother Nature's performance on the day.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Austria - Andreas Herzog's Goal

A very special and an extraordinary stamp on soccer was issued by Austrian Postal Authority. The stamp -Andreas Herzog's Goal - was issued on May 5, 2008. It was one among many stamps series to commemorate the Euro 2008 tournament.

Andreas Herzog's Goal
(Ranked 7th in the 2008 most extraordinary stamps)

This remark was taken from a report .... "Austria released a revolutionary lenticular stamp to celebrate the UEFA EURO 2008. 48 images of a TV recording are superposed on the stamp. To the viewer, the optical effect is that of a film sequence of approx. 3 seconds."

Clik here to view the excitement of Herzog's goal scoring.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lithuania: Drop-shaped stamp

Lithuanian Postal Authority - Lietuvos Pasatas - has issued a special stamp to commemorate the World Exhibition - Expo Zaragoza 2008. The stamp was issued on  June 7, 2008.

Expo Zaragoza 2008
(Ranked 5th in the list of 10 most extraordinary stamps 2008)

It is for the first time that an original drop-shaped postage stamp is dedicated to the participation of Lithuania in a world exhibition. The main topic of the exhibition EXPO Zaragoza 2008 (Spain, June September 2008) was "Water and Sustainable Development".

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Imagine Peace Tower - Iceland

The postal authority of Iceland has issued a special stamp - Imagine Peace Tower (IPT). The stamp issued in October 2008 October depicting the Imagine Peace Tower, which is dedicated to the memory of Beatle John Lennon.

The IPT stamp is printed in a traditional offset format and then overprinted with phosphorus in silk screen which causes the picture to accumulate light and then glow in the dark. When exposed to ultraviolet light, a picture of John Lennon appears on the stamp.

Imagine Peace Tower

The Imagine Peace Tower stamp was ranked number three is the list of Top 10 Extraordinary stamps of the Year 2008.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Austria - Embroidery

Austria has issued a unique stamp: Embroidery - gentian. The stamp is in their series of Flora (Flowers - General) and Fine Arts (Textile) as what was described by wnsstamps. It was issued on September 19, 2008. One thing special about the stamp is that it was chosen as number one in the list of Top 10 extraordinary stamps of the year 2008.

Austria: Embroidery - Gentian

Embroidered stamp of Austria - featured on the stamp is the Clusius gentian (gentiana clusii).

According to the Austria Post:

The gentian embroidery commemorative stamp is offering collectors around the world the opportunity to acquire a new “embroidered” creation. The Gentian stamp is, like the first embroidered commemorative “Edelweiss”, a product of the Austrian embroiderers Hämmerle & Vogel. The commemorative will be sent around the world, telling the stories of embroidery and Alpine plants. The threads and the colour follow the natural shape of the Clusius gentian (gentiana clusii), discovered around 100 BC by King Gentius of Illyria.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Morocco - Birthday of The Green Walk

A special stamp of Morocco to commemorate the 27th Birthday of Green Walk was launched on Nov 7, 2002. The Green Walk event was started way back in November 6, 1975.

Green Walk Anniversary (source - wns)

What is the Green Walk event actually?

According to a source (afrogouvernace) - The green Walk indicates a peaceful step thrown by the Moroccan king Hassan II on November 6th, 1975 with the intention of appending the territory of Western Sahara occupied by Spain. The Moroccans consider this Green Walk as being a recovery of the territories of which Morocco estimates who their comeback historically.

The king solicited the departure of 350 000 Moroccan civil volunteers armed with the Koran and with the Moroccan flag towards Western Sahara which Spain did not want to leave. Purpose was to put pressure on the Spanish administration so that it decolonizes Western Sahara and restores it in Morocco.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

India - Independence 1947

India gains its independence in 1947. Getting an independence is a very significant event to any country. Off course it will be remembered by a special stamp. The commemorative stamp for Independence of India is shown here. The date of India's Independence was August 15, 1947.

India - Independence

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Greenland - Sheep Farming

Greenland - Sheep Farming

Greenland is a country well known for its location up north and cold weather. Nevertheless sheep farming is still actively promoted. It is testifies by the issuing of stamp by Greenland Postal Authority to mark the 100th Anniversary of Modern Sheep Farming. The stamp was launched on May 22, 2006.

Visit Greenland Philately page - here.

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2008 - Year of Potato

Year 2008 was designated by the UN as International Year of the Potato (read - wikipedia). It seems that there not many IYP stamps was issued. Searching through the wns database only Switzerland has issued a special stamp to commemorate the IYP. The stamp was launched on March 4, 2008.

Switzerland - International Year of Potato

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Austria - Wachau Railway

Austria's Wachau Railway celebrates its 100th anniversary recently. A special stamp was issued to mark the occasion on June 20, 2009.

The 100th Anniversary of Wachau Railway

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What is so famous about Wachau and the railway? still researching ....
Some findings: -about the Wachau Railway - The romantic railway line has operated through the Danube regions of Wachau, Nibelungengau and Strudengau since 1909, linking the towns of Krems, Grein and St. Valentin. The journey is full of variety, running past vineyards and historical sites, always following the course of the Danube. The landscape that it crosses is characterised by natural beauties such as the terraces of the old vineyards as well as numerous cultural monuments that invite the traveller to stay a while. Source - philatelynews.
Other interesting stamps from Austria can be read here - aeiou stamp album.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Georgia - Tbilisi State U

Tbilisi State University was established in 1918. The TSU building was depicted on a Georgian stamp issued in 2006. It is not clear (no information given) about the '100' mark seen on the stamp shown below.

Georgia State University 1ooth Anniversary

The photograph image of TSU Building (source - wiki)

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

South Korea - Seoul GPO

On November 22, 2007, the Seoul Central Post Office opens a new chapter in its history at Post Tower, its new headquarters building. The new building of Central Post Office in Seoul was officially opened on November 22, 2007. The Korean Postal Authority has issued two stamps to mark the event.

New GPO Building in Seoul

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The new stamp features the POST TOWER - the new building of Seoul Central Post Office, together with Hanseong Post Office which was set up in 1895. The stamp's sheet shows how Kyeongseong Post Office looked in 1915, how Seoul Central Post Office looked during the Korean war, and how it looked when it was reestablished in 1957 and 1981, respectively. Together with these photos, the CI used by the postal office for each era are also shown.
Read the full article about these stamps here - 2007stamp.

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See all the Korean 2009 stamps here - koreapost.
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Libya - Qur'an Exhibition

Libya did not publish any of its stamp in wns database. Luckily one place was found having some collection of Libyan stamps - ( Libyan stamps issued from 1996 up to now were available there.

Exhibition of Qur'an (2008)

The stamp shown above is to commemorate the exhibition of the Holy Qur'an. It was issued on Sep 26, 2008.

The exhibition aims to define the different ways of reciting the Holy Koran, its calligraphies, ornaments, volumes, publications, languages translated to, historical manuscripts of the Holy Koran, calligraphers, phases of copying and development of printing the written and oral Holy Koran, also it aims to encourage the youth to be committed to their Islamic religion, to be aware of their duties towards their doctrine, to disseminate the good message of Islam, also the exhibition includes lectures, soirees for religious chant and scientific conference about history of Koran, inimitability matter, and Koran language and style, Koran and human culture.

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Slovenia - Ploughing Championship

Slovenia is an active participant in wnsstamps. Shown here is a special Slovenian stamp to commemorate the World Ploughing Championship held recently. The stamp was launched on May 29, 2009.

World Ploughing Championship

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The World Ploughing Competition is the greatest event in the field of agriculture worldwide. The first world competition of ploughmen was held in 1953 in Canada. The competition in 2009 will be the greatest international event in Slovenia, which will be attended by the representatives of 30 countries from four continents. Read the article in full here - slovenianpost.

Other details about Slovenian stamps are available here - postasi.

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Bulgaria - Philatelist Union Anniversary

The Union of Bulgarian Philatelist has celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2008. To mark such event the postal authority of Bulgaria has issued a special stamp. The stamp was launched on January 16, 2008.

Bulgarian Union of Philatelist 70th Anniversary

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Read about the history of Bulgarian stamps here - philatelicdatabase. More samples of Bulgarian stamps were available here - stampsonstamps.
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Jamaica - University of Technology

The 50th anniversary of JUT

Jamaica University was established in 1958 and celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. A special stamp to commemorate the anniversary was issued on May 26, 2008.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Belarus - January '09 Stamps

Belarus Postal Authority has launched three special stamps in the month of January 2009.

Stamp 1 - Braille

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Stamp 2 - 20th anniversary of Soviet pullout from Afghanistan

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Stamp 3 - Vladimir

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Sunday, July 5, 2009


Guinea stamps are not available yet at wns database even though the country is listed as a member. Some old stamps of Guinea which shown here were obtained from several sources.

The first anniversary of Guinea Independence (1959)

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2nd anniversary of independence (Oct 2, 1960)

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The First Three-Year Plan Launched in 1961

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Lenin Centenary (1970)

Why Lenin was popular in Guinea?

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10th moon landing anniversary (1979)

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Moscow Olympics (1982)

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Guinea was also famous with fake stamps .... so be cautious !
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sweden - Cult Cars

Sweden issued a special stamp series on the theme of 'Cult Cars' on Jan 29, 2009.

Volkswagen 1200 Beetle

The first Volkswagen 1200 Beetle was imported into Sweden in 1948 and the first sale to a private owner was in early January 1949. Almost 350 more Beetles were sold that year. The model shown on the stamp is from circa 1949–1951.

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Cadillac Coupe De Ville

The Cadillac Coupé de Ville and Ford Mustang are classics from the home of the auto mobile, the USA.

Ford Mustang Convertible

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Citroen DS 19

In the mid-1950s French Citroën introduced the new model DS, known as ‘The Toad’ in Sweden! The car was very advanced technically and was continually developed with features
such as swiveling high beams. The car on the stamp is from circa 1957.

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The Cult Cars issue has two Volvos, the PV 444 from circa 1953 and the 1958 Volvo Amazon. The PV 444 was the big people’s car in Sweden in the 1940s and ‘50s, and almost 200,000 were manufactured in total. The car laid the foundation for Volvo’s growth as a car producer and was succeeded by the Volvo Amazon, which also achieved great export success.

Volvo Amazon

Volvo PV 444

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More info about this stamps issue here - postsweden.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Solar Cooking Stamps

Paraguay (2006)

Solar cooking is been promoted in a big way by an NGO body. It is the simplest, safest, most convenient way to cook food without consuming fuels or heating up the kitchen. Solar cooking was also introduced in postage stamps. Two countries - Paraguay and Tanzania - have each issued stamps depicting solar cooking theme.

Tanzania (2004)

The Tanzania stamp was actually about Girls Guide scouting activities. It somehow show how to do the solar cooking.

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Estonia - Olympics Gold

Gerd Kanter Discuss Gold Medalist

Winning a gold medal in Olympics is the greatest achievement particularly to any atheletes. Estonia has win a gold medal in Beijing 2008 Olympics Games through one of its athelets. Gerd Kanter won gold medal in men discuss. A special stamp to celebrates the achivement was issued by Estonian postal authority on Sep 25, 2008.

Estonia - Gerd Kanter (Gold Medalist)

Read the reports here - europeanatheletics and here - eestipost.

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South Africa - World Post Day

Every year on 9 October is World Post Day. The day has been celebrated each year on 9 October, since 1969, to mark the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) establishment in 1874.

South Africa issued a commemorative stamp to mark the 2007 WPD on Oct 9. The stamp issued commemorates the first public exchange telephone switchboard installed in Port Elizabeth in 1882. Read here - SA Post.

South Africa - World Post Day (2007)

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The first telephone exchange in South Africa opened in Port Elizabeth on 2 May 1882. The exchange was located on the third floor of a castle-like building at the corner of Main and Jetty Streets in Port Elizabeth, later known as “Union Castle Corner.” The building was built by the London & South Arican Bank, who sold it to the South African Government for the sum of £10,000 in 1877. The building was subsequently demolished and replaced by the General Post Office building in 1900.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Norway - Cooperatives Centenary

Norway has issued a psecial stamp to commemorate the centenary of consumer cooperatives. The stamp was launched on June 9, 2006.

Consumer Cooperatives Centenary

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Excerpt taken from one source - topoftheworld;
In 1906, a joint organisation, the Norwegian Co-Operative Union and Wholesale Society (NKL), was founded. It had 28 member societies, but it took a long time before it became a nation-wide organisation. By 1925, the majority of cooperative societies had joined NKL.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Macedonia - Explorer 1 Satellite

After the Sputnik-1 satellite was launched by the Russian it was soon followed by the US satellite counterpart - the Explorer-1. Explorer-1 was launched in 1958 and celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2008. A special commemorative stamp was issued by Macedonia to mark the anniversary. The stamp was launched on January 31st, 2008 in Skopje by the US Ambassador to Macedonia (read here).

Macedonia: Explorer-1 Anniversary (2008)

More about Explorer-1 history, its stamps and other philatelics product information are available - here.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Hungary - First Hungarian Cosmonaut

Hungary has joined the space exploration by 1980. Bertalan Farkas was the first Hungarian Cosmonaut. He, along with Soviet cosmonaut Valeri Kubasov, was launched into space on Soyuz 36 from Baikonur Cosmodrome on May 26, 1980. While in orbit Farkas conducted experiments on material science. After 7 days 20 hours and 45 minutes and having completed 124 orbits, Farkas and Kubasov returned to Earth, landing 140 km southeast of Dzheskasgan. They returned from space mission on June 3, 1980.

On 26 May 26 2005, Hungary has issued a special to commemorate the anniversary of Bertalan Farkas space mission.

Hungary - 25th Anniversary of Hungarian Cosmonaut (2005)
The stamp design shows the space ship with geographical motifs referring to the Carpathian Basin and Hungary in the background.

More stories about it - here and here.

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Egypt - National Astronomical Institute

Egypt - Astronomical Research Institute Centenary

The National Institute of Astronomical and Geographical Research of Egypt celebrates its centenary in 2003. Actually, its official name is the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). A special stamp has been issued by Egypt postal authority to mark the occasion. The stamp date of issue was September 7, 2003.
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