Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Husam Bey Camii

Tidak jauh dari homestay (area Fateh) ada sebuah masjid nama Husambey Camii. Lokasinya bersebelahan dengan Valens Aqueduct. Ada yang menulis sebut menara camii telah rosak patah akibat gempa pada 1999.

Siapakah Husam Bey (?) - tak pasti betul ke tak ni. sumber brill - link:

Husam Reis later Bey presents an unusual opportunity to trace the career of an individual who achieved the rank of Derya Bey (sancak bey of a maritime province) and almost became Kapudan Pasha in 1591. Despite gaps and ambiguities in Husam’s biography due to the sources, Husam rose from a devshirme recruit to the rank of sancak bey. This biography relies on Mühimme orders, whose great limitation is that identifying specific individuals is difficult because orders frequently mention men by title rather than by name. The other main sources are reports submitted by Grand Vezir Koca Sinan Pasha to Murad iii. However, the accuracy of Koca Sinan is questionable: he referred to events that had occurred many years previously and moreover he was not a disinterested party since he was doing his utmost to persuade Murad iii to give the admiralship to Husam Bey in 1591.

Banyaknya bacaan brill tentang ottoman - link.

Ada juga yang menulis begini (betul ke?)

Mosque in Fatih, on the Kırkçeşme slope; It was built by Shaykh al-Islam Caferoğlu Sunullah Efendi (before 1612). When the mosque burned down, it was repaired by a man named Halil Efendi (1911).

Husambey Camii - yang rendah sebelah kanan bangunan tinggi

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