Thursday, June 27, 2024

Apa Dia Badrhawa, Tancred dan Hasanun Berkait Crusade

Ada beberapa catatan mengenai crusade yang perlu dicari info tambahan. Antaranya adalah mengenai;

Badrhawa - tak jelas apa uang dibincang tentang ini.

Tancred - tokoh yang mengganti Bohemond sebagai penguasa Antioch setelah kematian Bohemond pada 1104.

Juga perlu dicari info mengenai Hasanun yang berbangsa Kurdish.

Baca "Levantines attitudes towards the Franks during the early Crusades 1096-1169'. tesis st andrews 1999 - link.

Buku The Crusades - essential histories [folder Atq Desktop bapak buku ratu].

The presentation of the Franks in selected Muslim sources from the Crusades of the 12th century- link

Rombongan Mantin

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Pendekatan Kajian Mengenai Crusades

Perbincangan mengenai Perang Salib atau Crusades merupakan suatu yang telah menarik ramai pengkaji. Oleh kerana terlalu banyak kajian dan penulisan mengenai Crusade maka ada para pengkaji cuba membahagi atau memberi pengelasan kepada tiga pendekatan. Pendekatan yang dinama sebagai traditionalists, pluralists dan generalists. Pengelasan tersebut dibincang juga oleh Jonathan Riley Smith dalam buku What Were the Crusades?, 3rd edition. Kini sudah ada edisi ke4 tahun 2017.

Makna kepada tiap satu pengelasan diberi sebagai berikut:

1) Traditionalists maintain that only the expeditions to the holy lands, and the recovery of Jerusalem especially, can be considered crusades (1095-1291). Hans Mayer is a good representative of this view.

(2) Pluralists claim that any campaign in which the participants took penitential vows and enjoyed special privileges (including those against the Muslims in Spain, the pagans in the Balkans, heretics in Europe, later wars against the Ottomans, etc.) should be considered crusades (1000s-1500s). Jonathan Riley-Smith is the most influential scholar here.

(3) Generalists resist defining or categorizing crusades at all, believing such concepts and structures to be the inventions of modern scholars. They locate the origin and nature of crusading in the general development of Christian warfare and ecclesiastical acceptance of violence, even before 1095. Carl Erdmann is a classic advocate of this position.

Sumber: rossonl wp (link).

Ramai pengunjung melawat Masjid Biru

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Buku The Social Structure of the First Crusade

Ada sebuah buku mengenai tajuk Crusade yang boleh muat turun. Buku bertajuk The Social Structure of the First Crusade terbitan Brill tahun 2008. Buku memuat sembilan bab berserta introduction dan conclusion. 

Sembilan bab seperti berikut;

The eyewitnesses; The early historians; Paupers and the First Crusade: from the preaching of the Crusade to the rise of visionaries; Paupers and the First Crusade: From Antioch to Jerusalem; Milites: Knightes or simply mounted warriors?; Iwenes: the glory-seeking knights of the Crusade; Principes and the Crusading nobility; The leadership of the First Crusade; Women and the First Crusade: prostitutes or pilgrims?

Sumber: library aopen (link).

Fatih, Instanbul

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Kajian Preaching Crusade and GIS

Dalam mencari bacaan kini tentang Crusade ada sebuah kajian yang agak kini. Siap pada 2019 dan lebih menariknya ada pemakaian GIS dalam kajian tersebut. Elok kita baca kajian yang berjudul 'Crusading Preaching c.1095-1216: Control, evolution and impact'. Bacaan tebal lebih empat ratus m/surat.


The presence of the Pope: crusade preaching as a papal endeavor; The written authority Papal letters and distribution; Preaching by proxy c.1095-1146: Preaching by proxy c.1146-1216; The Magnus Rumor and the uninvited audience; Patterns of Crusade recruitment; Conclusion.

Petikan abstract:

By inputting data relating to known crusaders into Geographical Information Software, it compares crusade recruits with papal letters and preaching events and proves that crusade preachers’ successes varied according to the time and regions in which they preached. The thesis shows that, despite a clear evolution in the methods of communication, the effectiveness of promoting a successful crusade recruitment campaign during a period in which successive popes sought to assert Petrine authority was constrained by external factors.

Sumber - birmingham uni (link).

Fatih, Instanbul

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Crusade Dalam Penulisan Latin


Tajuk mengenai Crusade masih terus dikaji hingga kini. Ada sebuah kajian bertajuk 'Remembering The First Crusade: Latin narrative histories 1099-c.1300'.


Introduction; Remembering the First Crusade 1099-c.1135; Remembering the First Crusade c.1135-1200; Remembering the First Crusade 1200-1250; Remembering the First Crusade 1250-c.1300; Conclusion.

Petikan abstract:

It will analyse the development in the way the First Crusade was recorded and investigate the social, religious, intellectual and political influences dictating change: How, why and under what circumstances was the story retold? What changed in the re-telling? What ideas and concepts were the authors trying to communicate and what was their meaning for contemporaries?

Sumber: london uni 2011 (link).

Tinggalan kesan sejarah Fatih

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Bacaan Peter The Hermit

Membaca buku Atlas Perang Salib terbitan pts disebut peranan Peter The Hermit (PTH) meniup gesaan kepada para penganut Kristian supaya melaksana PS. Gesaan disuara oleh beliau menjelang PS 1096. Terdetik pula mencari bacaan lain tentang PTH. Antara yang ditemui adalah;

Peter the Hermit: Straddling the boundaries of lordship, millennialism, and heresy. MA Iowa State Uni 2012.


Introduction; The crisis of secular lordship; The crisis of spiritual lordship; Lordship on the eve of the millennium; Conclusion.

Sumber - iowa (link). Baca juga medieval net (link).

Petikan - akumuslimasia 2023 (link):

Berikutan peristiwa tersebut (i.e., fatimid al-hakim bi amr Allah memusnah gereja sepulehre jerusalem), timbul propaganda palsu yang menuduh umat Islam memberi layanan buruk dan mengganggu urusan jemaah Kristian di tanah suci. Apabila Baitulmaqdis direbut oleh Bani Saljuk dari tangan Kerajaan Fatimiyah, Peter The Hermit yang mengunjungi Baitulmaqdis telah berbohong kepada penduduk Eropah dengan menyatakan kunjungannya telah dihalang oleh Bani Saljuk. Namun, kunjungannya sama sekali tidak dihalang oleh umat Islam.

berdekatan pejabat bomba fatih

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kedai Ayam Golek Turki

Selepas selesai berkunjung ke Tugu Sinan hari pun sudah beransur gelap. Masa untuk pulang ke homestay. Berjalan pulang melalui kawasan yang banyak jualan makanan. Singgah sebuah kedai yang menjual ayam golek Turki.

Kedai ayam golek
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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Seberang Bosphorus - Monumen Sinan

Sesampai seberang Bosphorus ada sebuah tugu peringatan yang didirikan. Tugu Mimar Sinan.

Location - link.

Baca dua tesis tentang Sinan - link itali 2020 dan link turki 2017.

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Seberang Jambatan Metro Bosphorus

Menyeberang Jambatan Metro Bosphorus.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jambatan Metro Selat Bosphorus

Menjelang matahari terbenam meronda sebentar sekitar kawasan jambatan Bosphorus yang juga menjadi laluan tren metro.

Sokullu Mehmet Pasa Camii, Beyoglu District

[islamic landmarks - link]

wiki (link)
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Jalan Petang

Petang hari meronda sekitar kawasan homestay.

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