Monday, June 17, 2024

Kajian Preaching Crusade and GIS

Dalam mencari bacaan kini tentang Crusade ada sebuah kajian yang agak kini. Siap pada 2019 dan lebih menariknya ada pemakaian GIS dalam kajian tersebut. Elok kita baca kajian yang berjudul 'Crusading Preaching c.1095-1216: Control, evolution and impact'. Bacaan tebal lebih empat ratus m/surat.


The presence of the Pope: crusade preaching as a papal endeavor; The written authority Papal letters and distribution; Preaching by proxy c.1095-1146: Preaching by proxy c.1146-1216; The Magnus Rumor and the uninvited audience; Patterns of Crusade recruitment; Conclusion.

Petikan abstract:

By inputting data relating to known crusaders into Geographical Information Software, it compares crusade recruits with papal letters and preaching events and proves that crusade preachers’ successes varied according to the time and regions in which they preached. The thesis shows that, despite a clear evolution in the methods of communication, the effectiveness of promoting a successful crusade recruitment campaign during a period in which successive popes sought to assert Petrine authority was constrained by external factors.

Sumber - birmingham uni (link).

Fatih, Instanbul

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