Monday, June 24, 2024

Pendekatan Kajian Mengenai Crusades

Perbincangan mengenai Perang Salib atau Crusades merupakan suatu yang telah menarik ramai pengkaji. Oleh kerana terlalu banyak kajian dan penulisan mengenai Crusade maka ada para pengkaji cuba membahagi atau memberi pengelasan kepada tiga pendekatan. Pendekatan yang dinama sebagai traditionalists, pluralists dan generalists. Pengelasan tersebut dibincang juga oleh Jonathan Riley Smith dalam buku What Were the Crusades?, 3rd edition. Kini sudah ada edisi ke4 tahun 2017.

Makna kepada tiap satu pengelasan diberi sebagai berikut:

1) Traditionalists maintain that only the expeditions to the holy lands, and the recovery of Jerusalem especially, can be considered crusades (1095-1291). Hans Mayer is a good representative of this view.

(2) Pluralists claim that any campaign in which the participants took penitential vows and enjoyed special privileges (including those against the Muslims in Spain, the pagans in the Balkans, heretics in Europe, later wars against the Ottomans, etc.) should be considered crusades (1000s-1500s). Jonathan Riley-Smith is the most influential scholar here.

(3) Generalists resist defining or categorizing crusades at all, believing such concepts and structures to be the inventions of modern scholars. They locate the origin and nature of crusading in the general development of Christian warfare and ecclesiastical acceptance of violence, even before 1095. Carl Erdmann is a classic advocate of this position.

Sumber: rossonl wp (link).

Ramai pengunjung melawat Masjid Biru

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